
B.g., 16.1+, 2013. Adoption Fee: $2000- PENDING

Amazing War Horse Alert~

Just wow! Ballivor came to us about two years ago from MD’s Beyond the Wire- he had won over $300K with a record of  51-8-6-8 but he had a mild suspensory and was a ridgling. He was totally impressive but also quite studdish- after gelding him, we turned him out with a large herd of geldings so he could learn how to behave himself and with other horses. It took some time and we got busy with other horses. We finally brought him over to the main part of the farm and restarted him and he was incredible. Stood like a pro at the mounting block and walked trotted and cantered quietly both ways. On day one he had a little trouble with his leads but on day two he was perfect.

He has a ton of presence, is super easy to ride and a lovely mover. Clean, sound, barefoot. Great manners and loves being back in work. This guy is really special!



Up to date on everything. Backed by our program’s reputation of honesty and transparency. All MAHR horses  can come to our series of all TB clinics here in MD for FREE.

Adoption fee $2000- PENDING


Video coming soon